Adam Kahane</a>" />

Adam Kahane's Page

Facilitating Breakthrough

Making progress on complex, problematic situations requires a new approach to working together: transformative facilitati...

  • Jeevan Sivasubramaniam

    Adam Kahane commented on Jeevan Sivasubramaniam's blog post How to Go in Comfort on a Flight

    I have a great idea for a new piece for your series. It would lay out how to get free books from B-K, by saying that you are going to review them for a magazine or that you want to examine them for use in a university course. It’s easy to pretend that you are a journalist or a professor, and anyh... ...Read more

    March 4, 2016

  • Jeevan Sivasubramaniam

    Adam Kahane commented on Jeevan Sivasubramaniam's blog post How to Get Your Cracked Windshield Replace for Free

    Hi Jeevan, thanks for your quick reply and apology. As for the matter you raise in your second paragraph. I am fully aware that "it is dangerous to assume that our vision of what is right is promoted as the only vision"--in fact I am in the middle of writing a book for you on exactly that topi... ...Read more

    February 5, 2016

  • Jeevan Sivasubramaniam

    Adam Kahane commented on Jeevan Sivasubramaniam's blog post How to Get Your Cracked Windshield Replace for Free

    Hi Jeevan. I love your newsletter but again am dismayed at this "Marginally Unethical Life Hacks" section. I cannot understand how it is anything but grossly unethical to lie to a "large company" and ask them to pay for an accident that they did not cause. Would you be happy if someone did ... ...Read more

    February 4, 2016

  • adamkahane

    Adam Kahane is now a member of Berrett-Koehler Community

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