David@50 - My Mini Life Map

David Marshall Posted by David Marshall, CEO & CFO, Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc.

I just turned sixty.  After reflecting on my last six decades and envisioning what my seventh decade might look like, I decided to create a mini life map* to tell the story with a few short words and pictures. I titled each decade just like a book chapter with the one or two words that defined the period for me. I then added highlight bullets, emotion words, thinking words, and a summary statement for each decade. Finally, I picked out two or three photos that represented the decade for me. This was a fun and meaningful exercise.  I’m looking forward to what the next ten-year chapter in my life will bring.

Here is the result: https://marshallbooks.wordpress.com/

Feel free to pass this along to those who are experiencing meaningful milestones in their lives as well.

David Marshall, February 2016