David@60 – My Mini Life Map

David Marshall Posted by David Marshall, CEO & CFO, Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc.

I just turned sixty.  After reflecting on my last six decades and envisioning what my seventh decade might look like, I decided to create a mini life map* to tell the story with a few short words and pictures. I titled each decade just like a book chapter with the one or two words that defined the period for me. I then added highlight bullets, emotion words, thinking words, and a summary statement for each decade. Finally, I picked out two or three photos that represented the decade for me. This was a fun and meaningful exercise.  I’m looking forward to what the next ten-year chapter in my life will bring.

Decade 1 – 1956-1965    FIFTH CITY

  • Germany #1 as preschooler
  • The Order – started in Evanston and then moved to West Side of Chicago
  • Fifth City” Urban Development Project – 16-square-block area near Homan Avenue “L” station
  • The Ecumenical Institute
  • Iron Boy (becoming an Iron Man)
  • Leif Ericson Elementary School
  • Two Fires (Evanston, my parents’ bedroom)
  • The Brotherhood (John, Mark, Wayne, David)

Feeling: Anger, Fear, Crying, Excited, Crazy, Nightmares

Thinking: Hot and cold – I love laying down my life for the mission, I hate it, no, I love it. No, wait….

Statement: The Order and the West Side ghetto of Chicago took me to the edge, but the Brotherhood helped me survive.

IronBoy_ChicagoWestSide  IronManStatueFifthCity  David-Mark_Lief-Ericson_6thgrade_Dec1967


Decade 2 – 1966-1975    FREEDOM

  • Third Fire (Chicago riots after MLK killing)
  • Leaving Home at Twelve
  • Iowa in Seventh Grade
  • Malaysia in Ninth Grade
  • Denver in Tenth Grade
  • San Jose, CA in Eleventh and Twelfth Grade
  • The Other World
  • The Institute of Cultural Affairs
  • “Christ Event” in San Jose, CA
  • Left Order
  • San Francisco State University (majored in International Relations & German Literature)
  • Fourth Fire (Wayne’s apartment house arson)
  • Germany #2 – Heidelberg University (junior year abroad)

Feeling: Homesick, Anger, Apathy, Remorse, Lonely, Awe, Exhilaration, Relief, Burning

Thinking: I grew up fast, maybe too fast. I’m lucid but I don’t fit in with non-Order youth.

Statement: In RS-1 language, I had my own Tillich Christ Event at seventeen and awakened to my own profound Bonhoeffer freedom, but it took a near-violent episode to shake me to the core.

David-Malaysia_1971  SFSU-ID


Decade 3 – 1976-1985    KATE

  • SFSU Graduation
  • Selling Apple II computers San Francisco financial district with Mark
  • Chase Manhattan Bank in New York City
  • Kindred Spirit Kate on Wall Street
  • Mexico City – Kate & David in penthouse
  • Atlanta – Starting software career at Peachtree Software, Mark & Julian
  • Our wedding in western Massachusetts
  • Boston – Harvard Business School, David L.

Feeling: Loving Soul Mate, Confident, Adventuresome, Taking (more than giving)

Thinking: I’ll make a difference by becoming a minister like my dad and granddad; no, I’ll work for non-profits and the World Bank to change the world; no, I’ll help the world by redistributing the wealth via commercial banking; no, I’ll bring voice to the masses through the microcomputer software revolution. Profoundly appreciative of my short Chase bank tenure since it brought Kate into my life-and changed everything.

Statement: My life changed for the better when I met Kate. I’m the luckiest guy I know.

Kate-David-Wedding-Day-web  Kate-David_Deerfield_10-14-86


Decade 4 – 1986-1995    EMILY & BEN

  • Emily born in Boston, Massachusetts
  • HBS graduation, Class of 1987
  • Germany #3 – Munich with Softlab, Klaus
  • Thinking, feeling, dreaming in two languages: German & English
  • Ben born in Munich, Germany
  • Moved to San Francisco with Softlab GmbH/BMW AG
  • JourneyWare Media, Mark & David L.
  • Joined Men’s Group
  • Kate and David’s 10th Anniversary
  • I Want You to Know, Before I Go” (precursor to The Book of Myself)

Feeling: Loving children; not worthy of HBS, but wait, maybe I am; ready to take risks; stressed at running own company with constant fund raising and cash constraint; safe with my men’s group

Thinking: Meeting the Mystery of Life in infant faces of Emily and Ben; entrepreneurial spirit

Statement: Co-creating, helping birth, and raising two children is the most awe-filled experience of my life.

Bo April 1998  Ben-1993  Emily_1993


Decade 5 – 1996-2005    MARSHALL BOOKS

  • Settling in Northern California
  • The Book of Myself published (becomes bestseller)
  • The Book of Us published (becomes bestseller)
  • Oracle Corporation, Preet and Mark
  • Homestore, weekly commute to Los Angeles, Preet
  • The Book of My Pet published (first dud)
  • Kabira Software in San Rafael, CA, Mark and Preet
  • Go-go high tech investing and crashing back to earth
  • Emily leaving the nest
  • Kate and David’s 20th anniversary
  • Men’s Group 10th anniversary
  • Leaving software business at 50

Feeling: After many travels, California feels like home; thrilled to be an “author;” relief with Oracle paycheck; exciting Homestore IPO; exhausting battles at Homestore and Kabira; burned out.

Thinking: Book of Myself proves I can work for myself; I’m an investment genius, oh wait, maybe I’m not. It’s time to move on, start over, and reinvent myself.

Statement: As software storms raged, I found my calling and ability to make a difference in Marshall Books.

Carl and David Marshall  BOM 2007 3-D  Book-of-Us_Cover_21.5kb


Decade 6 – 2006-2015    WORK REIMAGINED

  • Writing Iron Boy memoir
  • Berrett-Koehler Publishers – second (or third) career, finding true community
  • Ben leaving the nest
  • What I Love About You (becomes bestseller)
  • Emily’s Wesleyan graduation
  • Ben’s UCLA graduation
  • Emily’s University of Minnesota Law School graduation
  • The Book of Myself – second edition published
  • Picture of Me published
  • My Life Map published
  • What I Love About You, Mom published
  • Kate and David’s 30th anniversary
  • Men’s Group 20th anniversary

Feeling: happy, content, invigorated, creative, innovative, compassionate, learning to breathe

Thinking: I’m wearing two hats, one as an author, the other as a publisher, both with a mission to make the world a better place; giving back.

Statement: I’m extending my vocational calling, started with Marshall Books, by working for Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Macintosh-Development-Team-David-Marshall-2011   BK-staff-photo-for-website_Jan2016


Decade 7 – 2016-2025    SPIRITUAL SYNTHESIS

  • Studying Buddhism
  • Studying Christianity
  • I Loved You First – published in 2017
  • Complete and publish Iron Boy
  • Rediscovering music and singing
  • Yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi
  • Aging well
  • “Refire Don’t Retire”
  • Kate and David’s 40th anniversary
  • Men’s Group 30th anniversary
  • Discovering the world; embracing global cultures
  • Planting my activist stake: protecting Mother Earth (or something else)
  •  Passing of parents – helping them exit with grace and dignity
  • Making a difference in grandchildrens’ lives

Feeling: peaceful, serene, contemplative, yearning, concerned, giving, body creaking

Thinking: What a gift to be healthy in mind, body, and spirit as I start my seventh decade; it gives me an opportunity to integrate the lessons of my first six decades and to help others with what I’ve gathered.

Statement: Synthesizing my spirit life toward enlightenment; discovering and nurturing my higher self in service of others.

Kate-David-GreatWall   David Avila Beach   Mens-Group2_October-2015

*If you want to do something simple like this for a meaningful milestone in your life, just follow this same formula I used. If you want a more comprehensive version with warm up activities to lead you through the life mapping process for your past, present and future, I recommend My Life Map: A Journal to Help You Shape Your Future, which I co-wrote with my wife Kate.

David Marshall, February 2016
