David Gershon</a>" />


David Gershon


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David Gershon, founder and CEO of Empowerment Institute, is a world-renowned expert on empowerment and behavior change. He is the author of nine books, including the best-selling Empowerment, which has become a classic on the subject. He is currently writing The Practice of Empowerment: Changing Behavior in Organizations and Society. He co-directs the Empowerment Institute Certification Program, which specializes in transformative change coaching, training, and design. He has lectured on his behavior change and empowerment methodology at Harvard, MIT, and Duke, and served as an advisor to the Clinton White House.

Contributor to The Change Handbook - Available as article-length Fast Fundamentals whitepaper (PDF download): The Practice of Empowerment: Changing Behavior and Developing Talent in Organizations

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