Jay Perry</a>" />

Jay Perry is a Master Certified Coach who helps people to take advantage of both business and personal challenges in unique and powerful ways. His clients include Fortune 500 corporate executives, entrepreneurs, and creative artists. He is also known as one of the world's leading mentors for new coaches seeking professional certification.

Jay's clients appreciate his fresh perspectives that help them to see themselves and their situations in a new light. He earned a BFA from Boston University and an MFA from Ohio University. With a background in professional theater as an actor, teacher, director, stage manager, and theater owner, Jay approaches his work with a sense of playfulness and a passion for developing creative communities. In the 1980s, he applied these skills in operating the Actors Information Project to empower performing artists to take charge of their careers and lead healthy lives. He also served as CEO of a digital imaging and archiving business with offices in New York and Los Angeles.

Jay has coached and led workshops for thousands of people around the world on topics such as business planning, leadership, transformational change, coaching skills, communication, and career planning. In 1991, he began working with legendary coach Thomas Leonard and participated in the creation of Coach University and the International Coach Federation. Jay's coaching clients include executives at AT&T, Avaya, Genentech, GlaxoSmithKline, Shell, and Schlumberger. Additionally, he has a personal mission of bringing the benefits of coaching to traditionally underserved and at-risk populations and has volunteered his services in jails and prisons.

Jay lives in Charlottesville, Virginia, with his wife, Susan; dog, Mozart; and cat, Shadow. His son, Max, works in the entertainment industry.

Take Charge of Your Talent

Don't we benefit most when we develop EVERYONE's talent, not just the "high potentials?"

I've worked with over 500 individual clients on five continents since 1990.

A typical coaching relationship would include 3 scheduled telephone sessions per month with additional interactions as needed. Relationships can always be customized to fit the client's needs including: additional time, on site visits, coaching multiple parties in a team or organization, 3 way conversations with bosses, associates, and supporters, trainings, 360 surveys, etc.

Some coaching relationships last a few months; some last for years.

My clients have successfully:

  • reduced debt
  • increased income and profits
  • successfully started businesses
  • changed careers
  • written and published books
  • reduced stress
  • significantly improved business and personal relationships
  • gotten married
  • been promoted
  • learned from mistakes and failures
  • discovered creative solutions to challenging problems
  • redesigned organizations
  • created mission and vision statements
  • faced and overcome personal fears
  • created balanced, fulfilling live
  • learned to promote themselves
  • discovered games worth playing
  • escaped from toxic, unhealthy environments
  • developed leaderships skills
  • developed strong communications skills
  • developed a sense of humor
  • gained confidence
  • resolved marital difficulties
  • learned to see themselves in new ways
  • learned lightness
  • kept going when they would have quit

Jay’s coaching clients have included executives at AT&T, Avaya, Genentech, GlaxoSmithKline, Shell, and Schlumberger. Additionally, he has a personal mission of bringing the benefits of coaching to traditionally underserved and at-risk populations and has volunteered his services in jails and prisons.

Available upon request.

“Jay Perry has tremendous skill in finding and clarifying people’s creative potential. He does this almost effortlessly, with great listening talent and pin-sharp questions at just the right moment. He can rely on a huge range of experiences and taps into that very effectively – but only when needed. It’s sometimes almost uncanny how he manages to plant a creative ‘seed’ that only months later shows its true meaning and strength.”

~ Angelo Vermeulen, HI-SEAS Crew Commander (NASA)

Jay has not added any photos.