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The Business Solution to Poverty

What unexpected business strategies both cure poverty and help the bottom line?

  • Could THIS be the solution to global poverty?

    Mal Warwick posted a blog post

    Could THIS be the solution to global poverty?

    By Mal Warwick Recently an organization named FXB published a full-page ad in The New York Times under the headline “We know how to end global poverty.” The piece reported that “the journal Science just published a study proving what works to raise people permanently out of global poverty.” Be...

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    June 24, 2015

  • Paul Polak’s approach: reducing rural carbon emissions

    Mal Warwick posted a blog post

    Paul Polak’s approach: reducing rural carbon emissions

    Today, in India alone, 19 million diesel engines are being used to pump irrigation water from shallow wells, spewing millions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere. If market forces could replace a quarter of them with radically affordable solar PV-powered pump systems and drip or mini-sprinkl...

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    April 1, 2015

  • Decentralization is key in scaling up to fight poverty

    Mal Warwick posted a blog post

    Decentralization is key in scaling up to fight poverty

    The brand of whole-systems design we call “zero-based design” describes how to establish and manage a large-scale enterprise — from scratch — that will reduce the incidence of poverty in many nations. Among the principles of this field is that the whole, multinational social enterprise must be ...

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    March 6, 2015

  • In business for good, what goes around, comes around

    Mal Warwick posted a blog post

    In business for good, what goes around, comes around

    Call it “corporate social responsibility,” “socially responsible business,” the Triple Bottom Line, or any one of a dozen other terms of art to characterize how entrepreneurs and established businesses alike are adopting new ways in a search for long-term sustainability and do good while doing ...

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    March 6, 2015

  • Paul Polak on global poverty solutions

    Mal Warwick posted a blog post

    Paul Polak on global poverty solutions

    The widely followed website Business Fights Poverty features the “Top 10 Discussions of 2014,” and there on the list is Paul Polak’s recent Google Hangout. In a free-ranging one-hour discussion, Paul describes the pathfinding ideas that have distinguished his career fighting global poverty for...

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    March 6, 2015

  • These Hilarious Inflated Backpacks Are Actually Delivering Cheap Local Energy To The Rural Poor

    Mal Warwick posted a blog post

    These Hilarious Inflated Backpacks Are Actually Delivering Cheap Local Energy To The Rural Poor

    Cheap energy This may be the most off-beat answer ever to the challenge of providing cheap energy for villagers around the world. It’s already in place in Ethiopia and Chile, and the inventor, a German graduate student named Katrin Puetz, has started a company to spread the idea worldwide. Tha...

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    March 6, 2015

  • Do impact investors expect too much?

    Mal Warwick posted a blog post

    Do impact investors expect too much?

    The history of microfinance shows how far off-mission social enterprise can go under the weight of massive investment. By Mal Warwick, Paul DiLeo, and Paul Polak Today, microfinance is estimated to be a $68 billion industry worldwide, with a track record of substantial private investment now st...

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    March 6, 2015

  • Reducing environmental impact is smart business

    Mal Warwick posted a blog post

    Reducing environmental impact is smart business

    In the early days of Corporate Social Responsibility, that label was generally taken to imply doing something about a company’s environmental impact. Though the more serious practitioners of CSR have long since expanded their efforts into other areas, the environment was the centerpiece of the ...

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    March 6, 2015

  • A business solution to poverty

    Mal Warwick posted a blog post

    A business solution to poverty

    By Jose Rene C. Gayo – BusinessWorld Online, Manila, Philippines THE TITLE of this article was inspired by the book by Paul Polak and Mal Warwick entitled The Business Solution to Poverty: Designing Products and Services for Three Billion New Customers, published in 2013. Let me quote from the...

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    March 6, 2015

  • Whether fighting poverty or making widgets, happy employees will make a difference

    Mal Warwick posted a blog post

    Whether fighting poverty or making widgets, happy employees will make a difference

    By Mal Warwick and Paul Polak Success in business today requires a whole new set of management skills that were either entirely ignored or under-appreciated in times past. Naturally, technical competence with telecommunications comes quickly to mind. More to the point, however, those areas of r...

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    March 6, 2015

  • What impact investors can learn from microfinance

    Mal Warwick posted a blog post

    What impact investors can learn from microfinance

    Here is part 1 of an article co-authored by Mal Warwick, Paul Polak, and microfinance expert Paul DiLeo. What has microfinance achieved for the world’s poor? Estimates vary widely, but 300 million people are estimated to be direct beneficiaries of the microcredit movement, and more than $68 bi...

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    March 6, 2015

  • Is microfinance true impact investment?

    Mal Warwick posted a blog post

    Is microfinance true impact investment?

    Here is Part 2 of a two-part article co-authored by Mal Warwick, Paul DiLeo, and Paul Polak for  Is it possible for the microfinance industry to attract enough capital if it refocused its mission and objectives on the overriding goal of reducing poverty? To answer that question, we ...

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    March 6, 2015

  • David Marshall

    David Marshall commented on Mal Warwick's wall:

    Mal - I just looked at your updated bio and blog link. Looks great! Many thanks. We hope you will blog on this site about the business solutions to poverty as well. And feel free to add your insanely helpful book reviews to this site as well (all books welcome, not just BK books).

  • malwarwick

    Mal Warwick is now a member of Berrett-Koehler Community

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