Paul Meyer</a>" />


Paul Meyer


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A celebrated trailblazer and leader of the multibillion-dollar self-improvement industry, Paul J. Meyer founded Success Motivation Institute, Inc. in 1960 and dedicated it to ""motivating people to their full potential."" Based on Meyer's vision to help people achieve their goals, his flagship company has grown into an international group of companies marketing his materials in more than sixty countries and in twenty-three languages with others in progress. Combined sales exceed $2 billion worldwide, which surpasses the sales of any other self-improvement author, living or deceased. Success in his own life and expertise in teaching others to fulfill their potential and reach their goals has earned Meyer worldwide recognition and a position of international prominence. With a rich background of experience and success, Meyer reveals many of his success principles in his book Fortune, Family & Faith. Other books authored by Meyer include the New York Times best seller Chicken Soup for the Golden Soul, The 5 Pillars of Leadership, I Inherited a Fortune!, Unlocking Your Legacy, Forgiveness . . . The Ultimate Miracle, 24 Keys That Bring Complete Success, and Become the Coach You Were Meant to Be. A book written about Meyer, Paul J. Meyer and the Art of Giving, illustrates Meyer's principles for stewardship and giving.

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