Petra Eickhoff</a>" />


Petra Eickhoff


BK Expert
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Contact Petra Eickhoff

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Petra Eickhoff has her degree in business management (Leipzig) and lives in Cologne (Germany). She is a trainer for business, service, and logistic, professional, and preprofessional development. She is an executive of an association for democratic future design and cofounder of the Future Workshop group, Jena (Thuringia). Her interest is philosophical and political issues about social society after opening of the German Wall. She is certified as an operational trainer and team coach. Topics: Supporting self-organizing groups, strengthening women starting businesses, designing participatory and international conferences.

Contributor to The Change Handbook - Available as article-length Fast Fundamentals whitepaper (PDF download): Power of Imagination Studio: A Further Development of the Future Workshop Concept

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