William Torbert</a>" />

William Torbert's Page

Action Inquiry

Bill Torbert and associates illustrate how individuals and organizations can progress through more and more sophisticated...

  • Trumping Trump

    William Torbert posted a blog post

    Trumping Trump

    Trumping Trump by William Torbert © If developmental theory and the practice of Collaborative Developmental Action Inquiry (CDAI) truly have practical value and transformational potential, then it must be important to know the center-of- gravity action-logic of the most powerful person in the ...

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    April 19, 2017

  • Exercising Action Inquiry and Mutual Power

    William Torbert posted a blog post

    Exercising Action Inquiry and Mutual Power

    For more information and to reserve a seat now for one of our three 2017 Excercising Action Inquiry and Mutual Power Programs click on: Helsinki, Finland, May 11-13) London, England, October 4-6 Boston, USA, October 23-26 Exercising Action Inquiry and Mutual Power (a GLP certification progra...

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    April 19, 2017


    William Torbert posted a blog post


    In this blog entry and newsletter, I want to bring your attention to some potent new tools for practicing the exercise of mutual power. Mutual Power The theory and practice of Collaborative Developmental Action Inquiry claims, illustrates, and presents research data that support the notion tha...

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    April 12, 2016

  • Love in the Spirit of Inquiry

    William Torbert posted a blog post

    Love in the Spirit of Inquiry

    Dear Friends of Action Inquiry, In October, many of you have helped to make Action Inquiry Fellow Sophie Sabbage’s new book The Cancer Whisperer, an early Best Seller on Amazon. THANK YOU, FRIENDS, FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! Good things are said to come in bunches, and now in November Amazon has brou...

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    December 4, 2015

  • Action Inquiry Faces Incurable Cancer

    William Torbert posted a blog post

    Action Inquiry Faces Incurable Cancer

    Sophie Sabbage’s The Cancer Whisperer FREE Amazon Kindle downloads, October 6 and following days… Action Inquiry is just as significant for the development of lifelong friendships and for dealing with the great personal dilemmas and crises of our lives, as it is for successful leadership. In t...

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    October 7, 2015

  • Character

    William Torbert posted a blog post


    Two recently published books remind us of a word rarely heard in the contemporary world, especially in reference to leaders. The word is “character.” The two books are conservative columnist David Brooks’ The Road to Character and Fred Kiel’s research-based book Return to Character: The Real R...

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    April 29, 2015

  • Action Inquiry: A Personal Note

    William Torbert posted a blog post

    Action Inquiry: A Personal Note

    In order for you to know why and how I do the different things I do (teach, consult, do research, write, host small intensive communities of inquiry, even garden), you need to know my fundamental concern. My fundamental concern throughout my adulthood has been how to learn and exercise timely act...

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    March 6, 2015

  • Our Start Up

    William Torbert posted a blog post

    Our Start Up

    My initial blog entry “Action Inquiry: A Personal Note” discusses what I mean by action inquiry in a general way. In the intervening two months, my three associates – Elaine, Mary, Dana – and I have been working hard to construct this website and accomplish the myriad of related tasks involved in...

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    March 6, 2015

  • Announcing “Action Inquiry: The Secret of Timely Leadership”

    William Torbert posted a blog post

    Announcing “Action Inquiry: The Secret of Timely Leadership”

    Greetings – some of you for the first time, some of you once again – NOW, in the mid-summer of the Olympics, of the Syrian “civil” war, of the stalled US election campaign, and of continued global warming and extreme climates… Here, at the home of Action Inquiry Leadership, we are delighted to be...

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    March 6, 2015

  • Collaborative Developmental Action Inquiry

    William Torbert posted a blog post

    Collaborative Developmental Action Inquiry

    How is action inquiry a profoundly different leadership skill and capacity from anything offered via courses, workshops, coaching,and consultation based on other theories and practices? And how can we at AIA claim to be effective at supporting you to engage in timely and transforming leadership a...

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    March 6, 2015

  • Action Inquiry and the Boston Marathon Bombings – Unilateral vs. Mutual Power

    William Torbert posted a blog post

    Action Inquiry and the Boston Marathon Bombings – Unilateral vs. Mutual Power

    The Marathon bombing and the gradually unfolding story of the motives of the bombing brothers has fueled an ongoing meditation worldwide – but especially in the U.S., particularly in Boston, and perhaps most specifically among those of us at the Action Inquiry workshop – about what kind of power ...

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    March 6, 2015

  • Transforming the Transformers, Transforming Ourselves

    William Torbert posted a blog post

    Transforming the Transformers, Transforming Ourselves

    We note that the wider world is yearning for alternatives to unilateral power in the efforts at collaborative action at this point in the Syrian war; in the anguish among Americans that our political parties are losing all capacity for productive dialogue, not only between Republicans and Democr...

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    March 6, 2015

  • Power –  Unilateral or Mutual?

    William Torbert posted a blog post

    Power – Unilateral or Mutual?

    Is the new Ukranian Prime Minister’s call for NATO and UN support in a successful, non-violent defense of Ukranian independence weak or powerful? Is President Jimmy Carter’s new book A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power one more whisper unheard in the jungle of politics, or doe...

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    March 6, 2015

  • “Vertical” vs. “Horizontal” Leadership Development

    William Torbert posted a blog post

    “Vertical” vs. “Horizontal” Leadership Development

    After years on the back burner, the distinction between more common types of horizontal, skills-based leadership development and increasingly necessary, vertical, capacity-developing experiences for leaders seems to be the new rage. White papers from the Center for Creative Leadership and the Me...

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    March 6, 2015

  • williamtorbert

    William Torbert is now a member of Berrett-Koehler Community

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